InnerNET New Earth School
An Online Platform for Unlearning to Remembering your true self, Spiritual Awakening and Self- Awareness. InnerNET provides s 5D based online platform for learning where time and space dissolve making room for personal growth without restrictions and limitations.
InnerNET supports the evolution of collective consciousness where inner union is supported and nurtured, and where divine self is integrated in harmony and balance with all other aspects.
a) Workshops are delivered ONLINE in a private/closed online group every 11th and 22nd of the month (see below information about May workshops) b) Once you've registered for the workshop I will send you the link to the group c) The group and recording of the workshop will be available to you INFINITELY! You can watch and replay the workshop as many times as you like and whenever you're inspired d) If you would like to attend but cannot be a part of the event in real time, you can still register and have access to the workshop INFINITELY! e) I am available to answer question related to the workshop whenever you need an extra bit of clarity
InnerNET Presents
FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION, INNER STRENGTH, JOY Facing personal truths and purging yourself of addictions Or manipulative habits require strength, courage, humility, faith And other qualities of a soul with stamina Because you are not just changing yourself, you are changing your Universe. Your soul is a compass. Change one coordinate in your spiritual compass and you change Your entire life’s direction. ~ Caroline Myss ~ This workshop is suitable for anyone ready and willing to take a personal journey of reflection within a gentle, guided, safe and supportive environment. Regardless of prior experience or level of personal awareness, the process is easily followed with the only requirement being an open mind. PLEASE NOTE: This workshop is delivered in 2 part as the work is quite extensive and over several hours! If you register to do Part 1, it is strongly recommended that you attend Part 2 as well! YOU WILL LEARN 1. You will learn to re-connect with your internal self, build a stronger relationship with the unseen parts of yourself in a safe and supportive environment 2. You will identify patterns of lessons from analysing, intuiting and observing events on your life timeline 3. You will begin to understand and identify how those life events effected your internal and external world, and how those unseen parts of yourself drive and influence the present moment, your everyday life 4. You will learn how to manage, in a healthy way, any negative self-talk and inner- dialogue in order to begin to release any emotional/mental/physical pain, fear, anxiety, etc ... 5. You will be able to apply learnt strategies in order to find peace, forgiveness, compassion, greater sense of personal awareness and inner-strength in your everyday life.
Contact us now for more information and registration details.
Blessings and Love