August 1, 2023 NOVA BLOG

@7:31pm AEST
Moving into her fullness 🌕
Intentions set in February’s New Moon in Aquarius have now come full circle and it’s time to let go of the old that no longer serves.
Stay super hydrated as I intuit a lot of electrical brain circuits rewiring and, consequently, take care of your central nervous system (parasympathetic nervous system - rest and digest mode).
You may feel somewhat restless, experiencing disruptive sleep patterns. Remember to utilise behavioural, mental, emotional, physical tools that help you stay centred and at peace as much as possible.
Listen to relaxation music, float in water, meditate, breathe slowly, slow your movements/walking down a peg or ten, stretch, hug a tree, earth in/walking barefoot on grass if possible, garden, write down any strange thoughts/dreams, journal, etc ..
I will be making an announcement regarding a couple of Festival Events soon!
Watch this space ..

What is mentoring?
Mentoring is an established, confidential partnership between a professional and client, for the purposes of learning and growth. The purpose of mentoring is to connect a professional (therapist) who has a lot of knowledge and experience with a client who is on the threshold of an inner transformation and needs support in gaining the same knowledge or experience. By having someone who knows more than yourself share advice, offer guidance and be a sounding board for your thoughts, mentoring allows for a multitude of benefits! And not just for the mentee – the experience can be incredibly rewarding for the mentor and also allows them to develop further skills and development with coaching and communication – key professional support skills.
Benefits of mentoring Mentorship programs leverage existing key characteristics of a client and help them grow and thrive. Mentorships can also foster a learning culture, which promotes a natural organic curiosity, sense of sovereignty and a strong sense of discernment, all characteristics critical in todays world.
There’s also a wide range of benefits to clients who are a part of the mentorship programs which go beyond being offered professional development. These benefits are important to be aware of, as they add a great deal of value to the clients life experience and provide intrinsic rewards that help foster ongoing success.
These are:
Receiving guidance and support from a respected professional

Personal development opportunities
Increased confidence
Useful, objective and meaningful feedback
Growing a personal network
Having a confidential sounding board for ideas and challenges
Exposure to new and different perspectives
Opportunity to learn from other peoples experiences
Developing and deepening communication skills
What’s next?
One of the most impressive things about an effective mentorship program is how far the effects reach. It’s ultimately a win-win for everyone involved. Mentorships are the most effective when they are designed according to specific needs and themes, and when they are built on clearly defined objectives. A well planned and thoughtfully executed mentorship program will have the capability to reap long term benefits in the clients life and should be a strategically planned process to see success.
I (Dijana) have four 1 : 1 Mentor programs.
8-week Mentoring Program©️ with Dijana - a 100% customised mind, body, emotion and spirit, holistic program designed for your personal development, insight and self awareness
Bootcamp Within©️ Program - a 4-week program dealing specifically with revealing your unconscious mind, otherwise knows as shadow work
Self Mastery©️ Program - a 4-week program dealing specifically with understanding the principles of mastering, and then, creating your reality
Divine Partnerships©️ Program - a 4-week program dealing specifically with unity consciousness and divine unconditional love spiritual quantum principles.
For further information or to arrange a mentor program, please go to or email me at
NOVA WHOLISTIC©️ Podcast - Episode 26 with Cat Rambo
Thank you 🙏
For all episodes of Nova Wholistic ©️ available on
Support the podcast by buying me a coffee*!
Feature Online Self-Paced Programs

Integrative Hollistic Health & Wellbeing Program©
This Program shows you how to integrate multiple complementary, alternative modalities easily into your every-day life, so that the benefits of different modalities are working for you at their highest potential, DAILY.

This Program guides you through a life review process in order to better understand life patterns, inherent conditioning, familial and ancestral belief systems and codependencies. This online program is deeply transformative and incredibly insightful.
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