Infallible Framework for Habit Development: Implementation
Implementing The Infallible Framework for Habit Development
I developed dozens of daily habits without a fail using this framework.
This is a summary focused on implementation of all framework’s pieces.
Infallible Framework for Habit Development: Implementation
How to build a habit then? Here is the step-by-step framework I used with success to develop dozens of habits:
Decide what habit do you want.
Be specific. Design it. How often? When? Where? What will you do? How many repetitions? For how long? Define the trigger and endpoint for your habit.
Perform your discipline at least once a day.
Weekly and monthly habits have their place too, but if you cannot build and maintain a daily habit, a weekly one will be a nightmare to develop. Learn the art of habit development in the most efficient way, via daily activity, and only then start more ambitious projects.
Track your habit daily.
“You can’t change what you don’t measure.” — Tony Stubblebine
That’s exactly my experience. When I measure my habits, when I track them, the process of habit development is smooth and efficient (well, compared to NOT tracking, of course). Make sure that the tracking method you choose serves its purpose, but doesn’t become an end unto itself. You shouldn’t spend too much time and attention on tracking. Remember what your main goal is: building a new habit.
Build streaks.
They will help you with your motivation like nothing else. In the end, they will integrate your habits into your personality. You will not be able NOT to perform your disciplines.
Continuous tracking is your feedback loop. Your habit is not set in stone.
I did a single series of consecutive pushups for years. First I struggled with consistency, so I coupled this activity with my morning prayer. That instantly helped.
Then I modified this habit and started doing various pushups; my workout started to be more interesting, I had more records to beat (diamond, legs-elevated, wide-grip pushups etc.) and I used less time for exercises (doing 100 pushups takes several minutes). I became so strong, that even the most difficult kind of pushups took me several minutes.

Then I switched to pullups. I can do quite a lot of them, but I can’t do them for longer than two minutes. This is my ideal workout.
This habit morphed throughout the years, but the underpinning stayed the same: I couple my morning prayer with it; it’s very short and very intensive; I can track the number of repetitions and motivate myself by beating records.
The purpose behind the habit stayed the same and it’s still fulfilled: to train my mind, body and soul first thing in the morning.
The challenge
I declare that it’s impossible to fail using my framework. I have never failed using it. I’ve quit on many good habits and I’ve been doing some in an erratic manner, but only when I missed at least one framework element: conscious design, identyfiying with the habit, doing it daily, tracking, building a streak. Using them all I’m invincible.
Try it and give me your feedback. Maybe we can improve it even more?
Part I: The Habit Loop and Its Endpoint Part II: Identity Habits Part III: Habits Tracking PART IV: Habits Streaks
If you need help while developing your habit hire me as your online coach (first three days are free).
Author and Business Coach
Website: Michal Stawicki
LinkedIn: Stawicki-Michal
Facebook: Michal.Sta.9
Twitter: @StawickiMichal